Golden Valley Bank Carr Fire Recovery Grant

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While our primary mission is to create new and exciting trails, the unfortunate reality is the majority of our time is spent on maintaining existing trails.  This would not have been the case had our trails never been ravaged by the Carr fire.   

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The maintenance that requires the most of our time is the thriving weeds that need cut back from the trail every spring and the continual trimming of “suckers” that have grown back from the healthy root systems of both oak trees and Toyon bushes.  Unlike a tree growing from a seed, these suckers grow into bushes at an incredible rate requiring trimming an average of twice a year to keep them from encroaching on the trails.  


While problems keep arising from the ground, they are also falling to the ground regularly.  The burned snags from the fire litter our trails on a regular basis.  Whether it’s from wind, snow or a bird landing on them wrong, reports of downed trees that need clearing come in on almost a weekly basis.  A grant from Golden Valley Bank allowed us to purchase an E-bike, trailer and multiple saws and hedge trimmers.  This has made getting into removed downed trees a much easier task!


2020 Annual Report


2019 Annual Report